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Morghan Fortier is the Co-Owner and Executive Producer of Tinman Creative Studios and Skyship Entertainment, digital-first production studios focusing on original series and song content for preschoolers and older audiences.

Tinman Creative Studios is home to Super Science Friends. Successfully Kickstarted in 2015, the series can now be seen on YouTube and the Cartoon Hangover VRV channel.

Skyship Entertainment is home to some of the most well known and loved children’s content on YouTube.  With over 7 billion views, and 7 million subscribers across 5 channels, Skyship's children's brand Super Simple has been sharing songs and stories for over a decade.  Our mission is to make enriching, high quality content available to children in every corner of the globe.

Prior to forming Tinman & Skyship, Morghan had produced numerous television shows such as JoJo's Circus (Playhouse Disney), Celebrity Deathmatch (The Comedy Network), Rick & Steve (LOGO / Teletoon) and Ugly Americans (Comedy Central).