Guest Industry Expert — All Access 2022:

Adeline Bird


Adeline Bird is an Afro-Anishnabe author, filmmaker, and producer. She grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, but is a proud member of Treaty #4 Rolling River First Nations. Adeline currently works as a writer and freelance producer. She has produced segments for daytime television hit shows such as CTV's The Social & Etalk. Adeline is a graduate of the National Screen Institute's CBC New Indigenous Voices program, where she made her directorial debut with the short film Nappy Hair and Eagle Feather, now featured on CBC Gem. Adeline was one of the 2018 ImagiNative-APTN pitch winners, with her web series entitled iNdigiThreads (in pre- development), and part of the 2019 cohort of Telefilm Canada's Talent To Watch. Her first book, Be Unapologetically You: A Self- Love Guide for Women of Color, is available on, Wal-mart, and Barnes & Noble. Adeline currently sits in the Visioning Committee of BIPOC TV & Film, and is a regular speaker for various organizations, as an advocate and thought leader on the ongoing discussions on equity & inclusion in the Canadian media industry.